Dry needling is a non-drug, minimally invasive technique that promotes healing after injury, increases mobility and reduces pain. It utilizes fine needles to target muscle trigger points which may...
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how dry needling is done
Dry needling is a treatment that uses a fine needle to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and promote healing in your body. It's often employed by physical therapists, chiropractors and licensed...
can dry needling make pain worse
Dry needling is a non-invasive treatment that helps patients reduce muscle pain and enhance range of motion. It utilizes fine needles to penetrate skin in order to target myofascial trigger points -...
can dry needling help plantar fasciitis
Dry needling is a method used to relieve pain, stiffness and other symptoms by inserting very fine needles into the skin and muscles. The purpose of dry needling is to release trigger points - areas...
can dry needling help tendonitis
Your physical therapist has recently introduced you to dry needling, an effective treatment that can reduce pain and build muscle strength. Dry needling is a technique in which an extremely fine...
can dry needling help sciatica
Sciatica is a type of back or leg pain caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve. This may occur from injury, herniated discs, or other causes. Physical therapists frequently employ dry needling to...
can dry needling cause nerve damage
Dry needling is a non-invasive therapy used by physical therapists to alleviate pain and restore muscle function. It involves needles puncturing tightened muscle groups known as trigger points in...
can dry needling cause more pain
Dry needling is a pain-relieving technique that helps reduce muscle stiffness and tension. Additionally, it may increase joint range of motion and correct movement dysfunction. A therapist inserts...
Is walking good for injured runners?
When recovering from an injury, the last thing you want to do is overexert yourself. Instead, focus on making slow and steady progress towards your goal. Many runners struggle with this because...
How do runners stay injury free?
Most running injuries are overuse-related, meaning they occur when runners push themselves too hard. Thankfully, there are several habits you can practice to help keep yourself injury-free. These...